cruzeiro esporte clube中文什么意思

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  1. " there were several reasons for us purchasing cybex equipment for the cruzeiro esporte clube . the most important was , without a doubt , the quality of the product the excellent design and biomechanics
  2. So much so that out of 40 offers for their accommodations , they chose the park hotel weggis which boasts a comprehensive gym equipped with cybex . the team stayed there and trained on cybex equipment from 22nd may to 4th june . physical trainer francisco adolfo ferreira and physiologist emerson silami of the brazilian cruzeiro esporte clube agree : training on cybex equipment produces the best results
    巴西著名的克鲁塞罗足球会cruzeiro esporte clube内的体适能教练法玮拿先生francisco adolfo ferreira及物理治疗师思拿美先生emerson silami都同意说:运用赛百斯健身设备来操练可得到最佳效果。


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